Monday, March 24, 2008

Bertie's Podcast

Just for a laugh, I've decided to do an audio version of the Famous Five story. If you really can't be arsed to read it, then just click on the link over on the left and the sultry tones of yours truly will waft over the airwaves (don't forget to turn off the Juke Box!). I've only done Part One so far but the others will follow shortly.

I hope that it can also be downloaded as a Podcast (not that I expect anyone will want it, I just like experimenting with the techie stuff!).

Finally, I never realised I had a lisp, stammer, cleft palate and hare lip until I listened to this so please bear that in mind.


Anonymous said...

Soporific stuff - "Picture Book" 1958
Intonation Bertie - it's an 'exciting' adventure - we love the story but you've got to get into the parts. Put on the accents, shout, or be subdued according to characters. Make it an 'audio adventure'rather than reading an obviously 'dry-mouthed' and nervous reiteration of your wonderful story

The Thoughts of Chairman Bertie said...

Dear "Anonymous"

Sorry to be soporific but sadly Stephen Fry reading the story was beyond my price range.

Still, I suppose I could flog it as 'Book at Bedtime'.

Not so sure about the "dry-mouthed and nervous" - I think you'll find that's called the way I speak!

Appreciate your input however. I'll try harder next time :)

Anonymous said...

Squirts lubricating juice into sultry Bertie-gob

Fandabbydosey whacky adventures - you edited your last comment!!!
We luuuurrrvvveeee your stuff - hope you got my last message which was totally supportive! xxx
Plausey xxxx

Anonymous said...

LOL I loved it Graham........I think you have a lovely speaking voice. Not quite sure what anon is on about.........can't please everyone I guess. *rolleyes* Ho hum.

I listened to it whilst eating ham sandwiches & drinking warm ginger beer. :D

Lisa x

Anonymous said...

I've listened! I thought they were jolly good - for me there was intonation, expression and meaning in your voice.

I think that Anonymous person should go and get their ears squirted out!

Kitty :-D x