Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm Touched by Your Presents, Dear

I had a bit of a traumatic experience yesterday. More of that later but, as will be made clear, this moment of trauma started me thinking about presents.

My Mother was a bit frustrating at birthday and Christmas time as, whatever I asked for, she almost got! For example, I would ask for a plain white shirt and she'd get me one with a thin stripe. I'd ask for a new football and she'd get me a rugby ball. I'd ask for a certain type of toy and she'd get me something that was almost right. It was always justified in some way but the truth of the matter was that the present she purchased was a "bargain" and she, bless her, just loved those. This was exemplified on my 21st birthday when I specifically asked for a certain type of record player (showing my age again!). Of course I didn't get it - I got another brand which was defended by her comment that the one she had bought was a lot more expensive but, because it was reduced in a sale (and thus cheaper than the one I wanted), it represented far more value for money as well as being a much better piece of kit. I did, at one point, just think of asking for money but no doubt Mum would have given me francs as the exchange rate was better!

Because of this, I have always appreciated the care and thought that has been put into subsequent presents from loved ones and the kids. Of course, when the kids were younger, "thank you" had sometimes to be said through gritted teeth. For example, when I started playing golf, I was inundated by golf-orientated presents. Everything from toothbrush holders in the shape of a golfer to strange Inquisition-type implements allowing one to monogram one's balls!

As they got older, their taste improved. That is, until my son became old enough to go on holidays on his own.

It all started when he went to Egypt a couple of years ago when, accompanied by many sniggers, he presented me with the following. Lovely!

His next trip out resulted in this little offering. Are you beginning to see a theme here?

By this time, war had been declared and I looked forward to finding the most appalling presents for him when I went away. Due to circumstances, I've had few opportunities thus far but this is one battle I am determined to win.

Anyway, when he came back from Spain earlier this year, one of the things he got me was a boob stress ball, similar to these.

It lived on my desk and I used to sit here and have a jolly good squeeze every so often. Being only the owner of only the oneone, I was still able to use the computer with the other hand!

Anyway, we finally reach the nub of this whole blog. Yesterday, I was absent-mindedly having a good squidge when it exploded! One moment I was relieving my stress and the next, I was covered in this gooey clearish-white liquid. It looked as if I had been relieving my stress in a totally different way as I gazed in horror at this vast amount of gunge which had predominantly shot into my lap. My boob looked very sad as it sat there, shrivelled and empty but my first thought was relief that the weak point had been pointed at me rather than my computer set up.

I got up and waddled awkwardly into the bathroom where I gazed at myself and this nasty, sticky mess all over me. I dabbed ineffectually at the huge globs all over my black jeans and thought of how some guys would be proud to see such a sight. In the end, I just took everything off as, by that time, there was a spreading feeling of cold wetness which was decidedly uncomfortable.

I would therefore offer a word of caution to any of my male readers who make the acquaintance of a lady who has had implants - be gentle. The consequences of an over-exuberant caress can be catastrophic! I am now stressed, boobless and no longer comfortable in the bosom of my family, so to speak. How can I tell Master Bassett that I have utilised his boob so much I broke it? It's just like my youth all over again - I'm bought a present and it all goes tits up!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sweet Sensations

Those oh so lucky persons on the internet that know me are aware of some of my little foibles....Hang on, I think I'll restart this before the rude comments come flying!

Some of my dear internet friends are aware that I have one particular vice. Well, when I say vice, it's more an all-consuming passion. An act for which I crave but, once completed, leaves me disappointed and longing for the days of my youth when the enjoyment was so much more fulfilling (and the vice in question was much bigger!).

Were I of the stature of Shakespeare then I would compose an ode in adoration but I'm not. Having said that, I shall do one anyway as, like Shakespeare, I hathaway with words!


Oh toffee chocolate dream, I find you really yummy
Let me take off all your wrap and and send you to my tummy.
I crave your velvet goodness, your body sweet and sticky
I'll eat at least a dozen bars (but then I feel quite sicky).

I hadn't seen a Caramac for many years until, one day, we ventured into a sweet shop in Brighton's North Laine. It was like stepping into a confectionery Tardis as I gazed (well, drooled) at the sweet tobacco, cinder toffee, coconut mushrooms and a plethora of other delights. I travelled back in time to when I used to wander into the local sweet shop with my 6d.

Oh the decisions I had to make. Did I invest in Bazooka Joe bubble gum? Should I blow the lot on aniseed balls (16 for 1d)? One of those new Topic bars (which, in those days were a damn sight bigger)? Sweet cigarettes so I could look cool? Spangles? A Palm toffee bar or perhaps a Frys Chocolate Cream bar (fruit, not mint)? I well remember when I had my first Caramac and all the rest paled into insignificance.

It was about 3 times the size it is now and was a lot smoother. Current aficionados will no doubt agree that it has a slightly grittier texture and suckability has deteriorated. Having said that, it's still wonderful and I am aware that others share this view. Indeed, I am aware of a simmering Caramac war following the misappropriation of a bar recently.

The matter is currently sub judice but I'd just like to say Hi to Jules and Lisa at this point!

Oh heck, I've gone into confectionery reminiscence mode!

Jamboree Bags - sweets, toys and cards, all for the princely sum of 3d.
Spangles - lots of varieties but the best were the Old-English. Worst? No contest - Acid Drop.
Penny Wrigglers - large fruit jelly snakes.
Liquorice pipes - oh, bliss!

For those who want to wander down sweetie Memory Lane, have a look here.

Now, of course, you also had the posh stuff which my parents had and I would gaze at in abject frustration. My fingers would hover over the box, knowing full well that my Mother knew exactly what was in there at any given time yet still tempted to take the risk. Weekend Assortment was always the biggest temptation as were NewBerry Fruits. They were jellies with a liquid centre encased in a sugar shell and, if you were really careful, you could nibble away all the jelly and be left with this little fruity bomb of intense flavour.

Of course, this childhood (and adult) preoccupation with sweets and chocolate has resulted in a corpulent, unfit Bassett but would I go through it all again? What a silly question!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm Still Alive!

Gosh, it's been a while since I posted anything here! Much as I hate to admit it, any literary efforts have been expended elsewhere on writing some insightful and pertinent observations based around Big Brother (UK) 2008.......(OK, it's a fair cop, I've been taking the piss!). I really don't understand the fascination of watching a disparate group of wannabes cooped up together 24/7 but it gives me enough stimulation to release my inner bitchiness.

Right, a quick update on events in Bassett Towers recently:

Master Bassett has realised an ambition he has held since he was about 12 and been formally offered employment as an officer in the Sussex Constabulary, starting in October. I am incredibly proud of his success but, more than that, the single-mindedness he has shown in achieving it.

Miss Bassett has finished her "A" Levels and can look forward to a few months of lazing around. She's worked hard as well so, whatever happens, a summer of pleasure beckons.

Mrs B has got the go-ahead for her knee replacement so there's some daylight for her. The morphine patches are now at full strength but don't seem to help much and we're investigating the possibilities of Jack Daniels on prescription! She's also painted a whole series of Discworld characters in watercolour and they're really rather fun. Trouble with characters though is that we each see them differently so some were not as I imagined. They are not from her head but interpretations of Paul Kidby's originals from "The Art of Discworld"

(click picture to enlarge)

Me? Well, I just toddle along. I've been doing quite a lot of aircraft modelling lately which occupies a lot of my time and may blog it at some point. Apart from that, life meanders along the highways, byeways and cul de sacs in that strange way it has. Fathers Day was a bit strange last week. More thoughts of Dad than I reckoned for but my kids spoiled me and bought a huge gooey chocolate cake to make up for my lack of ability to eat on my birthday, due to Gertie Gall Bladder.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Amazing Journey

Tonight I watched a film entitled "Amazing Journey" - a 2007 movie documenting the story of The Who. One of the songs featured is Pete Townshend's Behind Blue Eyes. Although I had heard the song many times before, I'd never really listened to the words. Truly moving, truly sad.

No one knows what it's like

To be the bad man

To be the sad man

Behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like

To be hated

To be fated

To telling only lies

But my dreams

They aren't as empty

As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely

My love is vengeance

That's never free

No one knows what it's like

To feel these feelings

Like I do

And I blame you

No one bites back as hard

On their anger

None of my pain and woe

Can show through

But my dreams

They aren't as empty

As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely

My love is vengeance

That's never free

When my fist clenches, crack it open

Before I use it and lose my cool

When I smile, tell me some bad news

Before I laugh and act like a fool

If I swallow anything evil

Put your finger down my throat

If I shiver, please give me a blanket

Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

No one knows what it's like

To be the bad man

To be the sad man

Behind blue eyes