Sunday, March 16, 2008

Life - The Great Roller Coaster

It's an interesting thing, Life. Let's face it, being the little wriggler that succeeds in reaching the egg is statistically rarer than winning the Lottery yet how many of us really appreciate that fact? Ask any number of people how happy they are with their life and you can bet your last creme egg that the percentage is going to be pretty low.

Perhaps it's a natural process? If we were all meant to be happy then there would be no incentive to better our own life (and, exponentially) others. Perhaps it's a ramification of so-called 'progress'? In other words, ask people 100 years ago and would the percentages be that different? Did people accept the cards that were dealt them far more in those days? If so, then is that because they were happier or because they didn't have the expectations of the 21st century?

Today has been not so much a down day, but a thoughtful day. It seems that so many people I know and care about have far worse problems that I do and it's almost as if I use those as an excuse to become low and introverted myself; sort of emotional abuse by proxy.

I've never really worked out if, when I get like this. it's because I have a compulsion to feel sorry for myself or it's a means of self-flagellation? I guess they're the same thing really. Why do I want to punish myself in this way?

I was tempted to take the blog site down today after deciding that it was for my own ego rather than as an entertainment for others. In the end I didn't after deciding it was rather like one of the big rides at a theme park. You want to do it but you're crapping yourself at the reaction. Will it be a thrill or a disappointment. Worst of all, will it just be a non-event? I think I'd rather be castigated than be classed as a non-event.

Anyway, back to this happiness thing. In one of my more philosophical moments, I came up with the theory that, in order to test something to the limit, you have to break it. If it don't break then how can one know just how much more strength there is?

I guess I was at that point a few years ago and there's no doubt that the experience made me stronger. Reading some of the words I wrote then, I wish I'd had the benefit of foresight but I suppose that's all part of the process. One thing I know will never happen now is that I will give up on Life. It's there for the taking and, despite setbacks, is there to be lived. Hard to do at times but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. I'm reading a history of Attila the Hun at the moment and there's a quote from Virgil, namely Vivite! ait Mors. Venio! - Live! says Death. I am coming. It made me think.

I never know whether to publish these poems I write, for the reasons outlined above. I appreciate them so what the hell! Who was it who said "Publish and be damned"? Another selection from the mind of yours truly.

The first one is not based on anybody in particular. It just came to me one sunny afternoon, sitting in a garden and surrounded by Nature's beauty and several troubled souls:

Just a Dream

From known and unknown torment

Her mind cries for relief,

The inner beauty fighting for her soul.

She needs new life and love to feel her heart beat,

New promises of hope to make her whole.

Her silken skin bears witness to the countless agonies -

Each scar a cry for help, a scream of pain.

But they’ll never scar the goodness

And the power that lies within

Which makes her want to live and grow again.

Her arms reach out towards me

Seeking comfort, help and love,

Her body gaining strength from each caress.

Not just taking but returning, fingers cool against my skin,

Soft hair shining as her head lays on my chest.

Within the dark lies hope and understanding,

She teaches me acceptance, brings me peace.

Our lives have crossed, our hearts and minds have altered -

A destiny that time can never cease.

The next one I remember clearly. I was lying on my bed as I saw the seagull and thought of freedom:

Through My Window

Wheeling and curling, the gulls fly across the leaden sky,

Shafts of sunlight picking out their freedom.

The vista from my room, bisected by the window bars

Draws my eye into eternity.

What lies beyond the clouds? Blue skies? The sun?

Transitory illusion. A presage of the blackness beyond.

Infinity of time and space,


Our only true knowledge is the lack of understanding.

The only truth is knowledge,

But truth is just a lie.

A window to frustration shuttered and bolted.

Defenestration and castration

Pretension, apprehension,

Comprehension? No, just tension.

Walls of words, hiding embryonic apathy

And foetal guilt.

I really don't remember writing this last one. Perhaps it was to my Mother?

To Womankind

Enfold me in your tenderness

Hold me to you so that I may absorb your strength.

Let me feel your softness

So that I may begin to live.

My tears splash onto your velvet skin

Where they burst like ripe pods of seed,

Creating new life.

Casting off the skin of a thousand years

Revealing hope beneath.

Envelop me in your warmth,

Take me to your breast.

So that I may be a child at last,

And so become the man

Copyright: BertieBassett Enterprises Inc. 2008 This article cannot be reproduced in full or part without written permission of the author


Anonymous said...

Please don't ever give up writing your blog. I know you do it primarily for yourself rather than others, but I'm sure 'others' (and I count myself as one of them) do gain a lot from it. And enjoy it. Enormously.

Sometimes you write things which make me laugh out loud; and then other posts - like this one - prompt me to consider. I admire the honesty and skill in the art of your wordsmith-ing.

Titania x

Kitty said...

"I was tempted to take the blog site down today after deciding that it was for my own ego rather than as an entertainment for others."

:-O Nooooooooooooo ... don't you bloody dare! I and others would send round the Blog Heavies to sort you out!

We all have those introspective times Bertie - I, for one, believe it makes us more well rounded people in the end. Like Titania, I enjoy your 'quieter' posts as well as the hilarious ones. Variety is the spice of life, so they say.

There is a quote on my page; it says 'It'll be alright in the end ... if it's not alright, it's not the end.' Trite it may be, but I'm choosing to believe it. Hang on in there.

Take care :-) x

Anonymous said...

My Uncle used to say to me (to cheer me up):
"Things will get better when they improve"
Never fails to make me laugh!
I have been down in the depths, but hopefully, with insight from people like you, things will improve and I'll get better!
Plausey xxxx

The Thoughts of Chairman Bertie said...

Thank you peoples. There are a few old (in the nicest possible way)faithfuls that post their comments and these are much appreciated. Am happy for honest criticism too but it's nice to know people read, appreciate and care. XXX

Emma said...

Dont stop lovey,

In a purely selfish way I gain so much from reading your blogs.
You inspire me to be able to be me....warts, insecurities and failings and all.
Thanks to you I know its ok to be me that way...
Thanks to you I have come to realise its ok...and I'm ok...

That's down to your honesty, beautiful writing and your humour.

Oh.....and I'm not bloody old you cheeky beggar :P

Chockie x x x x

Anonymous said...

Too much would be lost if you ever took your site down.

You have a great talent, and I, for one, look forward to reading each time. Sometimes I laugh copiously, sometimes it makes me think too. Please don't stop sharing your gift, it would be like great painters stuffing their pictures in an attic.

And bring back Piers and Tiz! ;)


Anonymous said...

Gerragrip.........if you did that I'd be straight down to Brighton to duff you boring would life be if it was all candyfloss & blancmange? *rolleyes*

Now pull yourself together & stop being a sodding Drama Queen. :p

Lisa x

The Thoughts of Chairman Bertie said...

Lisa, your care shines through as usual:p
I determined that my writing would be 'warts and all' rather than a facade of the real me hence the differing moods etc.

Keeps you guessing if nothing else :D


Anonymous said...

I have no objection to the 'warts'n'all''s the thought of you never writing again which concerns me.
Who else could I be rude to? :D

Take care you.
Lisa x

Unknown said...

My feelings are that you are very honest particularly about your feelings which possibly makes you feel vulnerable. By doing this you may the likes of me feel 'normal' being sensitive about feelings and thougths shouldnt be a burden. I think you are blessed to be able to express yourself in the way you do and I am blessed to be able to read it. You often ask for criticism thinking we are your friends and would not want to offend you with negative comments. Its precisely because we are your friends we say your blogs are wonderful 'warts and all'.
I love poetry and your write with such sincerity.
So you need to look elsewhere for criticism :-p
