The other day I picked up young Master Bassett after a fortnight's sojourn in Calpé. Gatwick at midnight isn't an overly inspiring place; a few mean-looking cops, even meaner looking MacDonalds staff and a Costa's. The left-luggage department was still open and the gormless oik standing there looked bored stupid, little knowing that he could get himself a really good job at Heathrow T5 in a few short days.
I strolled in, looking like a seasoned traveller as opposed to the provincial, once a year visitor, arranged a mortgage to pay for my double shot cappucino and settled down with my iPod to watch a Python movie. All the while waiting for the fruit of my loins to burst through the doors in a flurry of excitement at seeing Daddy once more.
As I looked up, idly watching the workmen filling in the bullet holes around the EasyJet Customer Service counter, I suddenly realised - airport arrival lounges are really happy places!
What I mean is, we see people smiling and laughing in the course of everyday life but, as someone comes through those doors, the looks of pure joy on their and the person meeting them's' faces is wondrous to behold. It's not often one has the privilege of seeing so much genuine happiness over such a short period of time and it was a real feelgood feeling. If you're down, I suggest a quick trip to the Arrivals Lounge at your local airport!
Needless to say, young Bassett proved the exception to the rule as he ambled across: "Hi Dad, I'm knackered!"!!!
Moving on, I need to get something off my chest. For a long time now, I've been quite upset about China's gradual destruction of Tibet's identity. It's always irked me enormously that the West has predominantly ignored the repression of Tibet's religious and economic systems, the imposition of local Communist supremos, the drafting in of complete townships of Chinese and the cultural and agricultural rape of the country. Even the official language of Tibet is now Chinese!
Vast areas of grassland are being given over to agriculture to feed the heartlands of China, forests are being destroyed at a frightening rate (50% reduced since 1949) and mineral resources are being stripped at a rate of knots.
The Dalai Lama is, of course, no longer recognised and the successor (or Panchen Lama) named by him has been taken into 'protective custody' along with his family. The Chinese Government invoked a historic precedent and decided to name their own Panchen Lama; a 17 year old whose parents, by strange coincidence, are strong members of the Chinese Communist Party.
Now, pardon me for being cynical, but I can't help but feel that there is some link between our reliance on economic ties with China and the lack of action by Western Governments. There have undoubtedly been a great many atrocities since China invaded in 1949, many of which have been documented by impeccable sources yet what is being done? Have a read of this before you watch the Olympics later this year and then sit back in your nice, comfy armchair. Just spare a thought for Tibet as you enjoy the spectacle.
Other sundry wanderings:
Why don't they sell turkey eggs?
I've still got some of my stitches although the navels are settling down now. I should have asked the surgeon to do the stitches á la Victorian sampler so I could at least have had a scar that could be read.
A joke: Little Bertie was sitting on a park bench munching one chocolate bar after another. After the 6th bar, a man opposite leaned over and said 'Son, you know eating all that chocolate isn't good for you. It'll give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat.'
Bertie replied 'My grandfather lived to be 107 years old.' to which the man asked 'Did he eat 6 chocolate bars at a time?'
'No,' answered Bertie, 'he minded his own f*cking business!'
A joke: Little Bertie was sitting on a park bench munching one chocolate bar after another. After the 6th bar, a man opposite leaned over and said 'Son, you know eating all that chocolate isn't good for you. It'll give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat.'
Bertie replied 'My grandfather lived to be 107 years old.' to which the man asked 'Did he eat 6 chocolate bars at a time?'
'No,' answered Bertie, 'he minded his own f*cking business!'
I agree with you Bertie
look at this though (disinformation?)
and this:
Illuminati, money-grabbing Zionists will send us all to oblivion in their own greed. They are our rulers - high-echelon Freemasons.
I loved the bit about the arrivals - it's true - cheers you up waiting seeing all the daft emotions.
Tried to post this before and it failed.... hmmmm
WTG - keep us questionning Bertie
Plausey xxx
I really enjoyed the web pages and found them very thought-provoking. The fact that they also state that the Mafia were responsible for 9/11 and it was a body double of Saddam Hussein that was executed make me a tad cynical of the veracity of the contributors however :D
Still, who knows what goes on out there?
Glad you enjoyed it x
Oh Nooo!
Saddam Hussein body double = nonsense
Try this:
OK OK - but it's a lickle bit obvious we are being hoodwinked (to put it mildly)
Ah well...
However - this is your fun site, and we look forward to loadsa funny 'tongue-in-cheek' humour Bertie x
Loadsa pozzi-vibes to Mrs B xxxx
Couldn't agree more on the issue of Tibet ... I have signed more petitions on that issue in the last 25 years than on anything else. And the fact that I am STILL doing it shows that nothing has been done about it. It's so frustrating. :-(
"Why don't they sell turkey eggs?" *snigger*
I agree with your comments on Tibet it has been worrying me for some time now and unless Governments forget their greed and remember people matter. But power attracts the wrong type of people to care. I still remember the young student in Tienamen square (it still brings a tear to my eye)in front of that tank and think has anything really changed?
Great blog
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