I've been spending a lot of time in the bathroom lately. Nope, not too many ferret tikka masalas nor even a a new conditioner to try (have you noticed how all the different gunks sold to bung on hair these days are all given the generic term "product"? I find it ridiculous that terms from TV adverts are adopted by intelligent human beings and I want nothing to do with it - simples). Anyway, I'm sure you're all agog vis a vis my solitary toilet moments so I shall endeavour to explain.
This building used to be a riverside inn with the whole first floor being used as overnight accommodation for the itinerant population of sailors, travellers and other sundry ne'er do wells until it eventually languished into disuse. The building was bought by a local estate agent and the first floor converted into one big flat which is now Chez Bassett although I do have a house as well (but that's another story!). Anyway, one of the few drawbacks here is that the windows are all quite small and don't really look over anywhere that has a changing scenery like a garden. Sadly, the river is quite boring and doesn't provide much in the way of photographic opportunity until I go further down the road to the harbour. And that is the key to tonight's offering - photography.
The magpies, presumably a pair, live in a tree about 20 yards away and spend a lot of time strutting around on the grass and chattering away. They've been christened Max and Madeleine and I have to say I've got quite possessive about them. The gulls of course are everywhere and tend to just barge in and fight each other for every last crumb of bread although the babies seem to rule the roost.
It's a real bugger not having a proper garden when you have a long lens and time to spare. Yesterday I got a phone call from my best buddy Jimmy saying come round for a cuppa and he looked on with his usual expression of bemused acceptance at my behaviour as I hurtled round his garden taking photos galore.

Nice pictures Bertie! I have yet to venture into bird photography, having been seduced by various insects and butterflies, but I have a bird feeder in the garden in the hope that some might venture here at some point.
I say 'garden' but in reality it's a rectangle of grass with a shed on one corner. No beautiful flowers like your friend Jimmy appears to have (love the apple shot - totally fabulous).
Lol at your 'simples' ... I must admit I have adopted the term, much to the embarrassment of my children.
Take care :-) x
PS: Love the NY track!
Some lovely pics there Bertie. I was quite relieved there. When I saw just the title I thought 'oo-er missus!'.
I have a 'yard' which faces a load of other yard, something akin to coronation street so no chance of birds here unfortunately!
Love the pics!
Thanks, laydees :)
Lily-Wren, I can let you have a dead parrot if you want?
Hello there Chairman Bertie! Just popped in to say I LOVE the music you're playing! Put a big smile on my face as I eyed through your blog.
Thanks Dana :)
My music is important to me and used to be changed far more regularly before the blog goblin struck and I lost the ability to write.
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