I'm sure that many parents will agree that there is a direct relationship between growing older and embarrassing one's children. When they are little, they are happy for you to whirl them around, play on the swings with them, dash around like a mad thing and generally fulfil the role of entertainer until that fateful day when they utter the dreaded words which will become oh so familiar over the following years.........."Dad, you are SOOOO embarrassing!".
It's quite strange that, the more they want you to stop, the more the desire grows, for example: my daughter and I might be wandering around the supermarket and I might do something perfectly innocent like suggest I practice my Hunchback of Notre Dame impression. My beautiful little girl fixes me with a steely gaze, her lips tighten and she hisses at me "Dad, if you even try, I promise you I am walking out of here.". I admit that there are times when I might just have gone a bit too far but anybody would think that they are under the impression that I am nothing other than a staid, well-behaved and placid oldie. I really wonder from whence this impression arises (teehee)?
Master and Miss Bassett are now 22 and 18 respectively and, sadly, I have to admit that the days of playing Hide and Seek or them joining in the "Don't Walk on the Cracks in the Pavement" game are now gone but I feel the need to embarrass them just one more time (although there are still my speeches at any future weddings to look forward to!!).
The reason for this embarrassment is because I just wanted to place on record my pride in their achievements.
Today, Miss Bassett became the official recipient of A Levels in English, Law and Psychology and has gained her place at Brighton University where she will be undertaking a degree in English Language & Linguistics. I always hoped that she would go to Uni as it was something that I was not allowed to even attempt. The fact that she has inherited her Dad's love of words is even better. Congratulations, sweetheart, you deserve your success - now go and enjoy it.
Master Bassett is a different kettle of fish. He has more of a natural ability rather than a scholastic bent and decided, after his first year of college, that he wanted to progress through his own efforts rather than waste time learning 'irrelevancies'. At the time I was quite happy for him to go along that route as I had the confidence in him. He had always wanted to become a police officer and, as of 1st October, his wish becomes true. I have total admiration for the way that he has gone for his dream and the first time I see him in uniform will be a big moment for me.
All in all, it's been a satisfactory time where the offspring are concerned. Sure, lots of people go to University and there are a fair numbers of coppers around but the fact remains that 2 of them are mine.
It's funny; in my head I can say a million words that describe the love and respect I have for them yet, for once, I can't seem to put those thoughts on paper. Suffice to say, well done and may your future's be all you wish them to be. We're incredibly proud of you both and I'm sure that your grandparents will be looking down with pride also.

It's quite strange that, the more they want you to stop, the more the desire grows, for example: my daughter and I might be wandering around the supermarket and I might do something perfectly innocent like suggest I practice my Hunchback of Notre Dame impression. My beautiful little girl fixes me with a steely gaze, her lips tighten and she hisses at me "Dad, if you even try, I promise you I am walking out of here.". I admit that there are times when I might just have gone a bit too far but anybody would think that they are under the impression that I am nothing other than a staid, well-behaved and placid oldie. I really wonder from whence this impression arises (teehee)?
Master and Miss Bassett are now 22 and 18 respectively and, sadly, I have to admit that the days of playing Hide and Seek or them joining in the "Don't Walk on the Cracks in the Pavement" game are now gone but I feel the need to embarrass them just one more time (although there are still my speeches at any future weddings to look forward to!!).
The reason for this embarrassment is because I just wanted to place on record my pride in their achievements.
Today, Miss Bassett became the official recipient of A Levels in English, Law and Psychology and has gained her place at Brighton University where she will be undertaking a degree in English Language & Linguistics. I always hoped that she would go to Uni as it was something that I was not allowed to even attempt. The fact that she has inherited her Dad's love of words is even better. Congratulations, sweetheart, you deserve your success - now go and enjoy it.
Master Bassett is a different kettle of fish. He has more of a natural ability rather than a scholastic bent and decided, after his first year of college, that he wanted to progress through his own efforts rather than waste time learning 'irrelevancies'. At the time I was quite happy for him to go along that route as I had the confidence in him. He had always wanted to become a police officer and, as of 1st October, his wish becomes true. I have total admiration for the way that he has gone for his dream and the first time I see him in uniform will be a big moment for me.
All in all, it's been a satisfactory time where the offspring are concerned. Sure, lots of people go to University and there are a fair numbers of coppers around but the fact remains that 2 of them are mine.
It's funny; in my head I can say a million words that describe the love and respect I have for them yet, for once, I can't seem to put those thoughts on paper. Suffice to say, well done and may your future's be all you wish them to be. We're incredibly proud of you both and I'm sure that your grandparents will be looking down with pride also.
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