Sunday, July 13, 2008

Random Ramblings (part 361)

I've got a bit of a block at the moment. Well, truth be told, I can't force myself to write: I merely react to situations or stimulations through words.

I wish I was more of a creative person. I make models which have been formed by somebody else and I just finish them. I am adept at using Photoshop to change images but I'm unable to create my own. I can't draw, paint, carve, sew, play an instrument or even whistle with my fingers. All I can do is write. When I don't feel in the mood then life becomes that little bit less satisfying.

In a bid to get the old creative juices flowing, I've written down loads of questions and can now occasionally pick some at random to natter about. Here's the first group:

If you gave a dinner party, which people living or dead) would you invite?

Terry Pratchett, Stephen Fry, Lao Tzu, Hernando Cortez, Cecil Rhodes, Oscar Wilde, Bill Bryson, John Lennon, Salvador Dali and Leonardo da Vinci.

Do you prefer Prada or Primark?

I've never been a "labels" person but I like nice clothes that fit well. Sadly, these days I tend to slob around in jeans and tee shirt so don't really need to traipse round shops too much. Having said that, my wardrobes seem to be bulging with clothes!

What are your best & worst characteristic?

My worst is a predilection to drift off into my own little universe and push people away. Partly, as I don't feel that I deserve them but also partly because I am comfortable there. My thinking has a horizon and, just now and again, I can see another horizon beyond it, kind of like another layer of thought which tantalizes me but I can't, or won't quite grasp it. I guess my best characteristic is that I can make people laugh (At least, I hope I can! Aaaaaaargh!!).

Your most visited website
At the moment, it's Digital Spy Forums as I became fascinated by the "social experiment" that is Big Brother. I am very lucky to have made some very good and caring friends on there and it provides a vehicle for me to join in the banter and generally play the fool. Having said that, I have about 50 sites bookmarked which I use regularly for one thing or another.

What crime would you commit if you were guaranteed to remain undiscovered?

I'd probably forge an unlimited use British Airways ticket (First Class, of course!)

What career path would you have chosen?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing and perhaps I should have stayed in the Diplomatic Service.
Given a choice of career though, I guess either an RAF pilot or an entertainer of some sort.

The former because I would love to have that skill and freedom whilst the latter would give me the means to hide behind another persona.

If you had to spend £200 on yourself, what would you buy?

I'm really not very good at buying things for myself and always have to be persuaded. This is probably to salve my "I don't deserve this" conscience whilst underneath I crave all sorts of things. I'm very lucky in that I have all the possessions I want so probably I'd buy a new compressor for my airbrush or a Sony Electronic Book.

What gift would you like?

Simple - The gift of Knowledge

Would you like to be famous?

Not for fame's sake but perhaps as someone who has gained respect through a positive contribution to Life

Name 3 privileges which you have been granted?

My children, my time spent scuba diving where I have been allowed a glimpse into another secret world and, finally, the support of those that love me.

Now I've read that back, it's really quite a boring bit of writing. Do I post it and risk my few readers drifting off into total boredom or do I not? One of the reasons I write my blog is as a diary of me so perhaps I might just publish and be damned!

1 comment:

Kitty said...

Hi Bertie. Because I also post at Digital Spy, I know that you're writing there at the moment (the letters thread is great). Therefore surely you don't have 'writer's block' but instead 'blogger's lethargy' because you are directing your wordsmith-ing over there right now? Just my opinion.

What sort of models do you make? Can we see pictures? As you know, I'm a crafty sort and interested in all kinds of creativity.

What's a Sony Electronic Book? I'm going to have to google to find out - I'm intrigued.

Just realised how many questions I've asked - ha! Nosey old bag.

Take care (and don't underestimate your talents).

:-) x