The other week I was going on about memes. I won't bore you with what they are; if you don't know, read the initial blog or go see the great God, Google. Since I discovered memes, I see them everywhere, rather like when you buy a new car and, as you drive home proudly from the garage, you see 600 other identical models.
As I was perusing The Independent the other day, in between all the pages of why the planet is dying, what animals are in danger of extinction and how much methane is exuded from the mouths of newspaper editors expostulating about global warming and dangers to the environment, I came across another meme. It was one of these "soundbite" type of fill-in bits that you see in most papers and magazines these days where they just have a few answers from someone most people haven't heard of to questions nobody cares about anyway. This particular one caught my eye, as I liked the headings, so here goes..........
If I have time to myself ... Bit irrelevant this one as I have oodles of time these days. I am a butterfly when it comes to doing things and get bored easily so time to flit from this to that is great. Having said that, I have always been quite good at finding time for myself by escaping into my head.
You may not know it, but I'm no good at ... most things. Like I've said before now, I have many interests but lack the application and drive to become an "expert". I'm the original Jack of all trades but get really frustrated (paradoxically, considering I get bored easily) as I want to excel at everything, otherwise I beat myself up for a perceived failure.
Movie Heaven ... Leon, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Life of Brian. I'm not a great movie buff although, when I do watch a movie, I think I really ought to watch more. I tend to go more for humour than great works of angst and culture.
Comfort eating ... Unhealthy comfort eating tends to be a thing of the past now as I am trying to lose weight (and succeeding!). I eat when I'm bored so now go for lots of fruit rather than the cakes, popcorn and Haribo of previous times. At 6' and, now, 13 stone 5, I can probably indulge a bit more so bring on the almond croissants!
When I was a child ... I was of the "children should be seen but not heard" school so I don't look back on it over-fondly. It's still something I struggle with but, outside of home, I was a pretty ordinary kid.
My biggest regret ... Ah, where do I start? Nothing physical - I am what I am, but there are numerous decisions which I look back on with sadness and regret. Having said that, those decisions led me to many other good things so I am fairly fatalistic. Life is like a game of cards; play the hand you're dealt as well as you can. If it fails, learn and move on.
It's not fashionable but I like ... taking risks. Too many people are governed by too many rules regarding safety, "correctness" and caution. To progress in civilisation or life, people need to take risks.
If I wasn't me, I'd like to be ... Stephen Fry, for reasons outlined in a previous blog.
The shop I can't walk past ... Either cook shops or charity shops. I love cooking and gadgets but also love to find the occasional treasure (usually books) in charity shops. Shopping is not a great love of mine - mooching is!
My favourite work of art ... is anything by Salvador Dali. If art is there to arouse emotion, then Dali does it for me everytime. A genius, an eccentric, a technician.
The soundtrack to my life ... is somewhere between Neil Young at his most introspective and Python at their most zany.
Well, that's it. Fancy a go? Why not leave yours as a comment after this blog - I'd be really interested.
© BertieBassett Enterprises Inc. 2007
I drive/ride ...A 4 year-old Mini Cooper. Sexy little minx, the perfect car for me! No really! She’s a goer too, I’ve exploded egos all over Essex…
If I have time to myself ... I’m in heaven. I’m a lone ranger but surrounded by (wonderful) people so time alone is a luxury. When I get it, I write, read and look at clouds. I’m very good at ‘going off planet’ though and my friends and family are familiar with my gormless ‘zoned out’ face. They love me anyway…
You may not know it, but I'm no good at ... remembering my left from right. I need little rhymes like, “I write with my right and what’s left is my left” and “righty tighty, lefty Lucy”.
A book that changed me ... ‘Mere Christianity’ by C.S.Lewis
Movie Heaven ... The Matrix.
Comfort eating ... “This week I ‘ave mostly been eatin’…..white chocolate fish and chips” Well, I am pregnant!
When I was a child ... I had a lot of responsibility and the awful label of “old head on young shoulders”. I think I started regressing at 30…
My biggest regret ... It’s not losing everything I owned in a move to USA I regret, but not enjoying all the beautiful things I owned while I still had them.
It's not fashionable but I like ... honourable people.
If I wasn't me, I'd like to be ... The best female rock drummer in the world.
The shop I can't walk past ... Any book shop.
My favourite work of art ... I too am a fan of Dali. Those with melting/exploding clocks and butterflies are the ones that appeal the most to me.
The soundtrack to my life ...Sublime guitars, sexy base-lines and bitchin’ drums – not fussed who, as long as they ‘move’ me.
artensoll x
I drive/ride......Anything big enough to get the chockie buttons and all their junk in. At the min I have a Renault scenic and it does me just fine.
If I have time to myself.....If I have a child free weekend I totally indulge myself. Stay in bed all day, Open a bottle of wine in the afternoon and watch slushy films. I love those days but hate being alone while the kids are at school.I get incredibly board.
You may not know it but I'm no good at......Being decisive. I'm terrible at it. I mull over things for ages before doing anything about it. Quite often the opportunity has long since passed by.
A book that changed me........Not a very interesting one but it was flowers in the attic by Virginia Andrews. It changed me as it turned me into a reader. I remember being 15 and it was doing the rounds at school. It was the done thing to read it so I did. I instantly became hooked and spent many hours with my face buried in a book. I will now read all sorts. I love the world I am taken into while reading.
Movie heaven.......Depends on my mood. I have many favourites. Movie heaven to me is dark winter afternoons snuggled up on the sofa under a quilt with the kids and watching old Christmas films.
Comfort eating.....A huge problem for me. I get bored...I eat...I'm fed up....I eat. I think I have come to a happy medium now. 3 years ago I lost about 6st and weighed just under 9st. I looked great...but couldn't see it. I was miserable everyday and didn't know who I was trying to be. I would feel guilty for eating. For not being skinny. Now about 2st of it has found me back and I don't care....I enjoy eating again ans I'm slowly learning that it doesn't matter if someone else looks at me and thinks I don't have the figure of a 20 year old....Its probably because I'm not.
When I was a child.....I was the eldest of 4. I had the most wonderful grandma who would take me for weekends on my own and make me feel special by giving me all the attention I craved. My parents never neglected me but with 3 younger children didn't always have the time a growing young girl needed.
My biggest regret......Is letting life drift by, just plodding along and letting it happen. Not having the nerve to say stop......I don't want to go this way.
Its not fashionable but I like it......Manners.....My biggest bug bare is rudeness and lack of manners. Politeness costs nothing and will almost always reward you with a smile
If I wasn't me I would like to be....Billi piper....she got to snog Dr who!!
The shop I cant walk past......I hate shopping. I can walk past many. I only go if I really really have to.
My fav work of art.......I have never really been into art. I can sit and stare out at the sea for hours but gain very little pleasure from a painting or such.
The soundtrack of my life......I don't have one. If a song gets to me a like it. It usually has some meaning attached to it. A good night out, song played on a camping trip or just beautiful lyrics that sum up how you feel the first time you heard it. Sometimes its just cause i like them and they make me feel like....yeahhhh go on!!!!! :)
Chockie x x x x x
Artensoll, chockie
It's great to read your memes (and chockie, I know that was a brave thing for you to do).
To the Rock Chick & the Choc Chick - thanks for letting me into your lives a bit.
By the way, if you click "Other" rather than "Anonymous", you can put your name in there.
PS I deleted the first comment because I made a spelling mistake!!
Ah now the name thing....well it automatically put my name in for me as I have been having a dabble in the world of blogging. At which point i panicked and thought it may link back to my efforts. Im not quite brave enough to show anyone what I have written yet. So I went for anonymous.
When I have mulled it over for a while longer and found a little more courage I hope to show you.
Thanks Graham, Im getting there slowly :)
Oops.....forgot to let you know it was me who wrote the one above....This hiding thing gets a little bit tricky...;)
Chockie x x x
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