Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well, here we go. This is the first entry in the life and times of Bertie Bassett aka Grazie aka Graham.

First of all, like all good publications, I'll start with Acknowledgements:

Thank you Mum and Dad - without whom I would still be swimming aimlessly.

Thank you Clive Sinclair - your ZX Spectrum opened up a whole new world of computers and gave me such joy progamming my name to repeat endlessly in different colours.

Thank you Neil Young - you have given me pleasure, self-searching and the confidence to sing very loudly whilst enclosed in the confines of my car.

Thank you Terry Pratchett - for being quite brilliantly insane

Thank you L - for being you

And last of all, one final acknowledgement to that temporal inevitability called Time. Some people mature like a fine wine, others mature like a cheese - they get a thicker skin, go a bit mouldy and smell a bit.................... Just call me Cheddar Gorge(ous).

From that angelic child above (OK, forget the sticky-out ears) to the supposedly Des Lynam lookalike that is the Grazie of today, Time is winning............. but I'm giving him a bloody good run for his money!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmm, very interesting.

By a Non Y Mouse. :D